Saturday, January 13, 2007

What to Do

Saturday, January thirteenth, two thousands and seven

I'm considering what I should do today. I'm so tired that it could be the best way to relax at home during the day till I go out for a drink tonight. The reason I'm extremely tired now is because of a phone call made by a customer yesterday. He asked me to send some products right away. He said like this, "I need it yesterday!" I had to arrange a truck to send our products to him. After I managed to do that, I asked him to order with time to spare(in advance). Most of our customers tend to dislike to stock any kind of materials, so they sometimes bother my head about making sending schedules. (ToT)

Anyway let me have a massage and take some English free conversation classes before going for a drink. I expect to have a good time with nice people tonight.

I need it yesterday. 大至急頼む!
with time to spare: 余裕をもって
in advance: 前もって

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