Thursday, January 11, 2007

Smell BAD

Thursday, January eleventh, two thousands and seven

I'm not going to write a long diary today, because I don't have any special topic. Let me write down a short story with the words I've seen lately.

My daughter told me for the first time that I smelled of alcohol when I was drinking some Japanese sake tonight. Most Japanese girls tend to say such a word to their fathers when they are young. "お父さん、くさい!(Dad smells bad!)" The word really made my blood boil, and I really wanted to told her that it's pretty hard to make ends meet because my children, including her, eat us out of house and home and that I cannot help but drink alcohol after a hard work to make myself refresh for going on getting lots of money to bring them up . But she gave me a nice kiss before she went to sleep tonight as usual, so I couldn't complain. (^o^)

make someone's blood boil: ~を激怒させる
make ends meet: やり繰りする

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