Sunday, January 14, 2007

New Year Party at Mexican Pub

Sunday, January fourteenth, two thousands and seven

Yesterday I had a super great time with some young guys(boys and girls) who I met on "mixi", a famous social networking site in Japan, in a Mexican pub whose name is "LONE STAR". Actually, "LONE STAR" has 2 branches in Osaka prefecture, one of them is in Shinsaibashi and the other one is in Izumisano.
Anyway, it was my first time to meet the participants of the new year party, so I was a little nervous but I realized they all are nice guys. We could have a big time as well as my Australian friend, who doesn't have an account of mixi but were allowed to join the party by the organizer. I asked the organizer if it's OK to invite some friends who aren't mixi members, actually. He replied quickly and willingly "Sure!", so he must be a good guy.
If my memory serves me correctly, 11 women and 7 men joined the party. Since most of the members are twenty two years old or so, I was afraid of what I talked with them, because there is a big generation gap between them and me, my age is twice as many as theirs! But we had a really great time. On the other hand, I have kind of a trouble now.... As a matter of fact, we tried to have a huge amount of pepper last night as an attraction. TOO HOT!!!!!!! I'm suffering from diarrhea instead of having a good time. (ToT)

willingly(adverb): 快く、喜んで
or so: ~かそこら
diarrhea: 下痢


Harry said...


I saw you on Mixi and thought I'd check out your blog. My blog doesn't get a lot of use but it's at if you're interested. It is entirely English for now. I'm ハリ on Mixi.

plow7010 said...


Thank you for visiting my blog. I'm excited to get your comment! Besides you have an account of mixi! Let me have a look at your blog later!