Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Visiting Parents-in-law and Drinking with friends

Tuesday, January second, two thousands and seven

Today I'm going to my wife's hometown with my family to see and greet my parents-in-law. They prepare a nice meal for us whenever we visit their house, so I'm apt to get fat after visiting them. But I'm not going to stay there so long today, because I have to go for a drink to Umeda, which is located in the northern part of Osaka city, with two of my friends tonight, who still work for the company I used to work for. Since one of them is familiar with bars in the city, he has booked a table at a nice Japanese bar for us. All of us eat like a horse(have a good appetite), we must get fat after the party due to out-of-control appetite. In fact, so many kinds of representative winter dishes make my mouth water these days. Let me bring some stomach medicine just in case. I'm really worried about spending too much money and getting fat tonight; hard work after this holidays will not only pay off but also cut down on my increased weight, though. :)

be familiar with something: ~に精通している、詳しい
have a good appetite: 食欲旺盛である
eat like a horse: 大食する (c.f.)eat like a bird: 食が細い
out-of-control something: 制御不能な~
representative winter dishes: 冬の味覚
something make(s) one's mouth water: ~が(人の)味覚をそそる
(just) in case: 万一に備えて、念のため


Anonymous said...


hi happy new year!!!mr.7010.
you are enjoing new years day despite the busy days.
i went to hiking and driving yesterday with my boyfriend and his 2friends.
one of his friend live in SAN DIEGO,and he hasnt came back to guam for a long time.He has to go to SAN DIEGO tomorrow.then he wanted look around guam.he took lots of picture...like tourist.

we were tired......

today i splept at 11:30 a.m.(i went to sleep at 10:00 p.m.)WOW!!!! for 13 and half hours.He has work so he left at 8:30. banbare!!



plow7010 said...

Hey osarunomonkichi,
You seem to enjoy your vacation a lot. Now that I'm a poor factory worker, I'm not able to often go abroad. (ToT) Of course I went to other countries once in a while when I was a computer system engineer, though.

You slept so long, that's a proof you're very young. Since I'm already on the wrong side of 40, it's sort of hard to have such a long sleep.
