Sunday, November 25, 2007

Open Day

Sunday, November twenty fifth, two thousand and seven

There was a cute event in the primary school two of my children belong to the day before yesterday, a national holiday called "Labor Thanksgiving Day" in Japan. Parents visited the school to see the students' performances, such as chorus and musical performance, that's to say, it was an open day. Let me upload a couple of pictures and a movie below. :D



open day
open day

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Help NOVA Teachers & Interviewed

Saturday, November twenty fourth, two thousand and seven

Today, my friends and I are having some English conversation classes in the music studio owned by a study buddy of mine in Izumisano city. He and I had been considering what to do for NOVA teachers, especially for a teacher who is paying his mortgage, for a couple of weeks, and we decided to hold some free conversation English classes, like NOVA's VOICE, there today, as a trial. If today's trial goes well, we are going to hold the classes every weekend as well.
I actually tried to gather as many people as possible for today's classes in mixi, the most famous SNS in Japan. After that someone asked me if it's OK to interview us in the classes, in order to introduce our trial in the newspaper, which is going to be published next week or so, as a good event for NOVA teachers. The writer who belongs to the newspaper company emailed me that Japanese mass media has reported a lot of bad news about NOVA recently, on the other hand, many NOVA teachers and students have positive thinking although they are victims of the English school's bankruptcy, therefore he wants to issue some articles to cheer up the teachers and students.
So I'm having not only English classes, but also being interviewed as a member of the event today. If our event is put in the paper, let me write another post here later. :D



Tuesday, November 20, 2007

NOVA to Reopen(NOVA再開)

Tuesday, November twentieth, two thousand and seven

According to G.communication's web site, which took over NOVA's business the other day, about 30 NOVA schools are going to reopen soon, including a school near my house, but not so close. :( The school's name is "Higashi-Kishiwada SATY school". "SATY" is a Japanese big supermarket chain's name as many Japanese people know. Actually NOVA built up many branches in supermarkets and shopping mall recently. Its promo word is "Study abroad in front of stations" but I think "Not only in front of stations but also in shopping malls" is correct these days. :D
"Higashi-Kishiwada SATY school" is also located very close to JR Higashi-Kishiwada station. The new management staff must have thought it's effective to reopen the school because students can come there easily by not only train but also car and parents can go shopping while their children are taking English lessons in NOVA KIDS classes. I mean, the brains must have considered that it's the most important to gather as many customers as possible and ASAP in order to make as much money as possible soon so that other schools can reopen. Do you think my thought is correct?
Anyway, I'm going to move to the branch reopened next week or so and ask the staff to let my level down. :) To be honest, I'd rather review ZONE-E and F lessons through real lessons than take ZONE-G lessons.


また、『東岸和田SATY校』は、JR東岸和田駅のすぐ近くに位置しています。新経営陣は、生徒が電車だけでなく車でも容易に来られる、また、親たちは子供がNOVA KIDSで英語のレッスンをしている間、買い物ができる、といった点から、このスクールを再開するのが有効であると思ったに違いないです。つまり、彼らは、できるだけ多くの顧客をできるだけ早く集めて、できるだけ多くのお金を稼ぐ・・・他のスクールを再開するために。私の見解、正しいと思います?

Monday, November 19, 2007

Personal Connection(人脈)

Monday, November nineteenth, two thousand and seven

Some people occasionally say to me that I have quite a few personal connections and I'm an activist. However, I actually don't think so. Now that I'm a factory worker working in the countryside, I don't have many relationships related to my business. In fact, when I was a office worker, I used to have a lot of human networks compared to now. I'd like to make much of my private personal relationships against my few business networks. That's one of the reasons I often use mixi, the most famous SNS in Japan. As a result, those who know me personally may think that I'm an activist or have a lot of networks.

At one time, when I was a office worker, my senior staff said to me, "Human networks can't be bought by money, therefore, it might be the most important thing to build them up."
There is an adage(proverb) in English, that's similar to the above saying, "It's not what you know but who you know."
Exactly! I think it's true! There's no more exciting thing than meeting new interesting people in my life. Making friends with nice guys could bring me a purpose of life. For me, English language is nothing but one of the ways to meet new people.... Um... My English teachers would be mad at me to hear that. :D



英語でも、次のような諺があるらしいです:"It's not what you know but who you know."(大切なのは何を知っているかではなく、誰を知っているかだ。)

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Teacher Accessed My Blog By Chance

Sunday, November eighteenth, two thousand and seven

There was a small party held at a Japanese style bar in front of JR Wakayama station last night. I attended the party with some NOVA teachers, staff and students. One of my friends organized it, so I'd like to say to her "I can't thank you enough."

Right after the party, I passed my name card, which has my email address and blog address, to a teacher who is from England. He said to me that he's had a look at my blog recently when he was googling about NOVA, as soon as I gave it to him. I was sooooooo glad! What a coincidence! Good job, Google! :D

That was exactly a great time to hear he's accessed my blog before. It's my pleasure to hear someone browsed my sites. I hoped he came here and left his comments someday....

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Look Like Something the Cat Dragged in(だらしない)

Saturday, November seventeenth, two thousand and seven

実は、昨日、面白いイディオム"look like something the cat dragged in"を某メルマガで読んだので、写真をアップロードして、この記事を書くことにしました。(^^♪

The above picture was taken when I was working in my factory. I was tired, caught a cold and have stubble.
I look like something the car dragged in, huh?
The idiom "look like something the cat dragged in", that I saw in an email newsletter yesterday, made me write this article and upload the photo actually. :D

Friday, November 16, 2007

To Tighten My Belt(=財布のひもを締める?)

Friday, November sixteenth, two thousand and seven


英語で"to tighten one's belt"というと、私の辞書(ロングマン)によると、以前よりもお金を使わないようにすることを意味するそうです。この意味は、私にとって簡単に推測できます。別の辞書では、このイディオムは、飢えているときに気を紛らわすためにベルトを締めることに由来している、と書いてます。


Following the previous post, let me mention another English expression, kind of an idiom. :D

In English "to tighten one's belt" means to try to spend less money than someone used to, according to my dictionary, LONGMAN Dictionary of Contemporary English. The meaning is very easy for me to guess. Another dictionary says that the idioms derive from tightening your belt to take your mind off when you are starving.
In Japanese, they say "Let me tighten my purse strings" when they have to cut down on expenses, which is such a famous idiom that almost all Japanese people must know about it.

Gee..... I'm under the weather now to catch a cold. However, I have to discuss a new English cafe with my friend whose name is Hiroshi at his house tonight. How can I help myself? :(

Monday, November 12, 2007

Nine Days' Wonder(=人も噂も75日?)

Monday, November, twelfth, two thousand and seven

先日、"nine days' wonder"という英語の表現を目にしました。私の推測ですが、これは日本語の『人の噂も75日』に近い表現だと思います。日本では、『人の噂(話題)なんて、せいぜい75日もあれば消えてしまうもんさ』というような意味ですが、英語では『大騒ぎするのも、せいぜい9日くらいなもんさ』みたいな意味なのでしょうか?9日と75日・・・大きな差があるのは、なぜなのでしょうか?日本人のほうが、つまらないことで大騒ぎする傾向が強いからかなぁ・・・う~ん・・・そうかも。(笑)

Even though Japanese language is completely different from English, sometimes I find similar expressions between them actually. That's understandable because those people use different languages but they are the same human being, so the underlying senses would be similar, I guess.
The other day I saw an English term "nine days' wonder". The way I see it, it means similar to this Japanese one "人の噂も75日(hito no uwasa mo nana juu go nichi.)" It means rumor and popular topics will disappear within 75 days at longest in Japanese, but on the other hand, does the English one mean it will continue for 9 days at longest to make a fuss about small things? I don't know why there is a big difference, 9days and 75 days.... I suppose that Japanese people strongly tend to make a big deal about minor things. Umm... Could be. :D

Sunday, November 11, 2007

NOVA経営破綻の責任(Responsibility of NOVA's Bankrupt)

Sunday, November eleventh, two thousand and seven






Government is too important to be left to the politicians.
by Chester Bowles US diplomat & economist (1901 - 1986)





According to the newspaper, a Japanese company, which manages English schools and cram schools for children, is going to take over part of NOVA's business, however, it's nearly impossible to help out all 30,000 NOVA students and won't refund the lesson fees to them.

The paper says that the bankrupt will bring the largest number of creditors in Japan after the World War 2 if nothing is done.

This past spring, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry gave NOVA business improvement order and suspended a part of its new contract business. I can't believe that the civil servant wasn't able to suppose their decision could cause such terrible situation. Anyone knew NOVA had been suffering from being in the red and was the industry giant. It was easy to guess that 40,000 NOVA students of that time would be in trouble if the company goes under. This case isn't equal to the case that Japanese government suspend its business when a food producer act wrong, because 40,000 citizens were involved in NOVA's business as its customers.

Of course, I bet the principal factor responsible for NOVA's bankruptcy is due to the poor business operations of the previous president Sahashi and board members, but Japanese government and the ministry also have a part of the responsibility for the bust-out, especially in the employment(for foreign teachers and Japanese staff) and the support for the customers, because the number of creditors would be the largest one in Japan after the World War 2. In the past, Japanese government decided to deploy government money for some big banks that had a lot of bad loans. Why don't they do that again for NOVA's teachers and customers? This bankruptcy is like a bank's collapse in which has 30,000 people save their money. 30,000 citizens are suffering from the credits! I absolutely think it's unfair! Politics must be fair!

Let me give an English witty remark to such stupid government and politicians.

Government is too important to be left to the politicians.
by Chester Bowles US diplomat & economist (1901 - 1986)

And also, I personally think Japanese mass media has a part of the responsibility because they often picked up the bad sides of NOVA and hardly picked up the good sides, such as....

すいません。m(_ _)m

Sorry.... it's too difficult for me to translate all the above Japanese sentences into English. Let me give up......

Anyway, I LOVE English lessons and VOICE at NOVA SOOOOOO MUCH!

I've just made an online community in mixi, the most popular SNS in Japan, that's called "The community of having fun with English conversation in Sensyuu, Osaka."
If possible, I'd like to start a new English cafe around here and help out NOVA teachers who are hard up for money.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

米の由来(The Origin of RICE)

Wednesday, November seventh, two thousand and seven


In any language, there are lots of interesting derivations of words. It attracts me to find out the original of any word actually. Let me introduce an interesting Japanese general knowledge today. :D
You probably know this Chinese character(=Kanji), "米(kome)". It is said that the character consists of three kanjis, "八(hachi)", "十(juu)" and "八(hachi)". "八十八(hachi juu hachi)" means eighty eight in Japanese language. A long time ago, when Chinese or Japanese agriculture was less well-developed than it is now, people used to take a lot of trouble over growing rice. I hear the number of procedure to grow rice was eighty eight. I don't know the details though...
Anyway, since "米" signifies 88, Japanese people celebrate their friends' or families' long life when they reach the age of 88, that's called "米寿(beiju)". "寿" means "celebration", "happy event" or the like in Japanese.
Actually, I'm 44 years old now. So... just the half of 88.

derivation: 由来
general knowledge: 雑学
be less well-developed than ~: ~より発達していない
take a lot of trouble over something: ~に手間がかかる
signify: 表す、意味する
or the like: または同種のもの

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

うんざり(I'm tired of ...)

Tuesday, November sixth, two thousand and seven


  • be tired of something
  • be sick of something
  • be fed up with something
  • be weary of something

English language has a lot of similar expressions as well as Japanese. I know it could be my bad habit to bother with similar expressions and words like, "What's the difference!?". In the case of beginners like me, it's not necessary to worry about such kind of questions, I bet. :<
Incidentally, the following terms bother me today.

  • be tired of something
  • be sick of something
  • be fed up with something
  • be weary of something

incidentally: ところで、ちなみに(情報を付け加えるときに使う。by the wayと同じ)
[sentence adverb]
used to add more information to what you have just said, or to introduce a new subject that you have just thought of [= by the way]