Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Too Easy

Wednesday, March seventh, two thousand and seven

I personally think that the basis for leveling up the students at NOVA, the most biggest private English school in Japan, is too easy. Now that I'm a level-3 student at the school, my friends think that I can speak English fluently like a native English speaker, but I cannot do it that much, actually. I haven't perfectly mastered even the contents of the lessons for level-5 students so far. That's why I've reviewed some of them lately. The level-up system might be kind of a strategy that NOVA makes the students spend much more money there.
Anyway, The services of the school tend to become commercial and some of teachers who work for the school sometimes told me that NOVA is greedy. I absolutely agree with them, but I'm going to take lessons there as long as I have good times with nice teachers and study buddies. To tell the truth, many students often complain that the cost is expensive, but I actually don't think so. I suppose it's reasonable because there are lots of nice teachers as far as I know, and some of the students who I often take lessons together are really friendly! If I didn't study English at NOVA, I couldn't meet such nice people. That's exactly why I take lessons there even when I'm so busy.

... I wrote today's diary without my dictionaries after a long time, so I bet there are tons of mistakes in this content. :p

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