Wednesday, March 28, 2007

NOVA Teacher Killed

Wednesday, March twenty eighth, two thousand and seven

The newspaper says that a NOVA female teacher was murdered in the bathroom of her acquaintance's condo in Chiba prefecture, the right east of Tokyo. Apparently, she would often teach English to the guy on private, who is suspected of the murder. I don't think it's OK for NOVA teachers to have another job as far as I know. Anyway, Japan might not be a safe country nowadays... I'm really worried that many excellent teachers decide to leave Japan after this incident.


Anonymous said...

I am a teacher in Okinawa, Japan, and I would never think of leaving because of this story. It is a sad event, and the media in the UK are trying to show that Japan is a dangerous place, but I'm sure people will keep coming to Japan to work.

I have posted an article about this murder and some of my comments on my blog.

Anonymous said...

According to the TV, the murder guy was stalker.
She has boyfriend who be going out with 4 years,and he will come to Japan this june as a teacher.Also he wanted to get married with her in future and around the world.
Her father said,"she wana be teacher, so i think japan is safe contry and i permitted.but...".
Japan already isnt safe contry.

osaru no monkichi

plow7010 said...

Hi Dave, Nice to meet to you. I'm really glad to get your comment here and to hear that you are sure people will keep coming. Let me check your blog later.

plow7010 said...

Hey osaru no monkichi,
Wow, you have memorized the phrase "according to ...", haven't you? If my memory serves me correctly, you asked me the meaning the other day, right?
I'm feeling so sorry for her to hear that she has been engaged... There are too many sad incidents these days in Japan...

Anonymous said...

It's first time to comment your blog.
Japan has became unsafe these days as same as other country,I think.But it's essential that we need to pay attention although we hear Japan is safety.I hope the day we don't need to feel sad as soon as.

Anonymous said...

plow7010 - thanks for the comments.

The BBC has already put a story online entitled "Is Japan safe for foregners?". You don't have to read the article as I can give you an answer here. Yes it is! It's most likely safer than your home country (unless you live in Iceland or Scandinavia somewhere). Sure there is crime, but there is crime everywhere. I have never once felt threatened walking around in Japan, unlike numerous times back in England.

If the murderer was a stalker, then why did she go to his house to teach him English? This is one of the things I've talked about in my blog article about the subject.

plow7010 said...

Hello shun,
Thank you for your first comment here. Japan is becoming unsafer than it used to be as you say. But many foreigners say that it's still safer than other countries because only some murders.... Um... It would be true...

plow7010 said...

Hi again dave,
Yeah, some of my foreign friends often say the same thing as you say, "Japan is still safer than most other countries", whenever I say, "Japan is unsafer than it used to be, because there are many bad incidents these days."
Anyway, I doubt why she went to the guy's room alone to teach English, too. It's too dangerous for young ladies to visit a young boy's house alone in not only England but also Japan as everyone knows. Why??? I don't understand her behavior at all.

BTW, I tried to post my comment on your blog, but something was wrong. I couldn't post it there. Do I have to get an account of your blog's provider or something to post comments?