Saturday, March 03, 2007

Hina Matsuri(Doll's Festival) and Teacher's Complaint

Saturday, February third, two thousand and seven

Today, March 3rd, is the day of "Doll's Festival - Hina Matsuri(雛祭り)" in Japan. The day is also called "The Season Festival of Peaches - Momo no Sekku(桃の節句)" Let me introduce this Japanese custom below.

Japanese Families with girls celebrate March third to wish for their daughters' good fortune, growth and happiness. According to tradition, this event began in the Edo period. Families with girls display a set of cute dolls in their houses. The set consists of the Emperor, Empress, their servants, miniature furniture and so forth(and so on), on a three, five or seven-tiered stand.

Hina Dolls
Today we were planning to have a nice dinner made by my wife, but she has a high fever now, therefore I had to go run errands for her. I've got some sushi, appetizers at a supermarket. Besides, I usually take 4 free conversation lessons on Saturdays, however, I cut out 2 ones to get home earlier than usual. A teacher, whose name is Patrick, complained about my leaving because many students tend to leave by accident before his classes. :)

servant[countable noun]: 家来、召使
something and so on(and so forth): ~など(similar to "etc")
three, five or seven-tiered something: 3段または5段または7段の~
go run errands for someone: (人の)使い走りをする
by accident: 偶然

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