Sunday, April 29, 2007

Work and Preparation

Sunday, April twenty nineth, two thousand and seven

Although it's Sunday today, I had to work in my factory for a couple of hours, in order to make more space for putting lots of material to be recycled. Since we aren't so busy nowadays, we have to stock as much stuff as possible during this low season. Actually some trucks of a material supplier came to my factory yesterday, therefore my factory was in a mess(materials were lying about in my factory).
After that, I went to a home improvement center to buy a new big BBQ grill for the tomorrow's BBQ party that I'm going to have with my family and friends - including an Australian friend. And also I got a lot of charcoal and some items for BBQ there.
Besides, my wife and I visited the supermarket we often pick up foods and domestic articles so that we can make ready for all the BBQ stuff. We bought some meat, shellfishes and king crabs there. I asked my Australian friend to prepare some beer and other kinds of drinks with a cold box. He sent me an email to let me know that he got some fish as well. Let me have tons of food and a huge amount of beer to make myself energetic tomorrow.

low season: 暇な時期(閑散期)
home improvement center: ホームセンター
cold box: クーラーボックス

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