Sunday, April 15, 2007

Local Community's Meeting

Sunday, April fifteenth, two thousand and seven

Since I'm the leader(組長 kumicyo) of the neighborhood community(隣組 tonarigumi) I belong to, I have to organize a social gathering today. Most of my neighbors are much elder than me, the meeting will bore me.
The term of the leader is one year, so I have to serve something sometimes for them, such as holding a small party and presiding over a funeral service of families who have had a death in the family. I hope no one who belongs to our association pass away this year... It must be extremely tough for me to be in charge of such an important role.

social gathering: 懇親会

"quoted from LONGMAN Dictionary of Contemporary English"
preside [intransitive]: to be in charge of a formal event, organization, ceremony etc. (phrasal verb: preside over something)

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