Saturday, February 17, 2007

Flu and Party

Saturday, February seventeenth, two thousand and seven

When my eldest son got back home from his overnight school trip yesterday, he looked so tired. This morning he told my wife he was under the weather, so she checked his temperature. It was over thirty nine degree Celsius! She got him to see the doctor right away, of course. Apparently, he caught the flu that is going around in Japan. Anyway he has to stay at home for at least five days, not to give someone the flu, according to the doctor.

To change the subject, I joined a party this afternoon at a study buddy's house. A young woman of our study buddies at the English we belong to introduced her fiance, who lives in Guam, to us. That's why we had a party today. Both of them look head over heels in love.

be under the weather: 体調が悪い
go around: 蔓延する、流行する
head over heels in love: 大恋愛中で

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