Friday, February 02, 2007

Haven't Done For Long Time

Friday, February second, two thousand and seven

I made out some bills to send our customers yesterday. Since I raised the prices of our products, the total amount of the bills is much higher than that of this time of last year. I've just made a huge amount of money! But, on the other hand, my hands are really dirty and rough due to the recent busy work. However, I'm proud of these dirty hands because those are kind of a proof that I'm a really hard worker for my family and customers.
As a matter of fact, I've been suffering from having a backache lately due to the hard work and my old age, so I couldn't do anything even if some nice young ladies were beside me. In fact, I haven't done with anyone this year. When I was young, I would do that at least twice a week with my ex-girlfriends or by myself. :) Sorry to write such a dirty topic. m(_ _)m

make out a bill: 請求書を作る

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