Knitting & USB memory
[Notice:注意] The English edition doesn't necessarily correspond to the Japanese one. 必ずしも英語版と日本語版は、一致しません。(^^♪
Since yesterday was my birthday, I expected someone got me something nice. But, unfortunately nobody gave me any presents. (ToT) There was just a cute thing when I was having dinner alone after work. My six-year-old daughter was knitting something, so I asked her what she had been knitting. She replied to me that it was a muffler. As soon as she replied, of course I asked her again who she was going to give it. I wanted her to said like, "Of course, I'm giving Dad this!" However... no reply.... (ToT) I wonder when I can get a muffler that she knitted by hand....
To change the subject, I bought a USB flash memory at an Internet shopping site, to use it as a virtual memory. As you know, most operating systems, such as Windows XP and UNIX, support virtual storage access method. A friend recommended the other day that I should install a USB memory to use my PC comfortably, because the speed of accessing USB flash memories is much faster than that of accessing hard disk drives. It doesn't seem to run faster than I expected so far tough. :p
昨日は私の誕生日。誰か、なんかプレゼントくれるかなぁ、と期待してたけど、誰もくれませんでした。(ToT) ただ、夕食を食べていたときに、かわいい出来事がありました。6歳になる娘が、何か編んでいる!『何を編んでるの?』と聞くと、『マフラー』との答え。『誰にあげるの?』とさらに質問。『もちろん、お父さん!』という返事を期待していたけど・・・返事なし。(ToT) いつ、娘が編んだマフラーをもらえるのかなぁ・・・
話題は変わって、ネットショップでUSBメモリを買いました。仮想メモリとして使うために。ご存知のように、ほとんどのOS(例えば、Windows XPとか、UNIX)は、仮想記憶アクセス方式をサポートしています。友人が先日、PCを快適に使うために、USBメモリを使うように薦めてくれたのです。USBメモリのアクセス速度は、ハードディスクよりもはるかに速いから。今のところ、期待したほど速いようには見えませんけどね。(^^♪
Happy Birthday! I bet you're so looking forward to the day your daughter will give you that hand-knitted scarf :-) My birthday usually is during the spring break, so no one remembers it (T_T).
Thank you so much, yukki san. I don't know why I couldn't upload the video I took yesterday on, but I've just succeed in processing it on Google Video site and embedded it in this article. Please take a look at my daughter. Isn't she cute? (^^;
She's so cute! She must have been answering your question in her mind..."Of course it's for you!" :-)
Wow! Thanx for your quick reply! That's amazing! (^^;
Yeah! You can say that again! She's so cute that I can't work too hard for her! hehe. I'm keen to have a scarf knitted by her someday.
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