Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Fixed Charge for i-mode

The English edition doesn't necessarily correspond to the Japanese one.

As some of my friends know, I often host private English conversation classes, like NOVA's VOICE, from the end of last year. For that purpose, I have to use my cell phone more often than before, especially i-mode, which is the packet-switching service presented by NTT-Docomo and which allows users to connect the Web.
This month I decided to change my way of payment to fixed charge, that's called "Pake Hodai" and that costs about 4000 yen, in order to surf the Internet anytime anywhere without worrying about the charge. Since I bought the current cell phone about two years ago, it might be about time to get a new one.

Speaking of my cell phone, I saw a new word for me, that didn't look a new word at first, in an email newsletter with the gadget when working in my factory yesterday. The word is "stationary", that's an adjective. I knew a noun similar to it, that's "stationery". Then I emailed my PC's email address about those words to check them out after I get home. Actually, I often send emails to myself with the phone while I'm out, so that I don't forget things to do later. Anyway, I studied them with my dictionary after yesterday's dinner. Holy cow! The pronunciations of those words sound exactly the same, but the meanings are totally different! (ToT)

今月あら、支払いプランを『パケホーダイ』に変更しました。これで、料金を気にすることなく、いつでもどこでも、ネットに接続することができます。(^^♪ そういや、携帯電話も2年前に買ったのだから、そろそろ変え時かな?最近、調子悪いし・・・・



yukki said...

I doubt that this word is familiar to many of native speakers of English. When I read this post, I remembered something---one day "stationary" was in one of the English sentences to be translated to Japanese on the exam. One student thought it was misspelling and corrected to "stationEry"...

plow7010 said...

Hello yukki san,
I'm really excited to get your comment here! Thank you so much.

Apparently, the word is often used with other words to express technical words-such as "stationary weather satellite."