Sunday, January 13, 2008

Correcting My Diary

The English edition doesn't necessarily correspond to the Japanese one.

I went to NOVA to take four regular lessons yesterday. Actually, all of them are lucky one-on-one lessons! I'm sooooo lucky! I asked the first two teachers to give me ZONE-F lessons, which I took when I was a level-4 student.(I'm a level-3 student now, therefore basically I can take only ZONE-G lessons.) Since I had to work 14 hours the day before yesterday, it was very tough for me to take four lessons in a row because of the fatigue. After I took the first lessons, I decided to ask the other teachers to correct my English diary whether or not the journals are grammatically correct. Speaking of "correct", it's quite difficult for me to pronounce "correct" and "collect" correctly. (^^; Anyway, two teachers corrected them and told me that my diary is 90% correct. Can I have confidence? When they were correcting them, I found out some mistakes by myself after I read them aloud. One of the teachers recommended that I read them aloud because it's a good way to find mistakes out by myself.

To change the subject, after I ate out last night with my family, I went to the bar I often go get a drink. After I left the bar, I ran into a young girl who used to be a NOVA student. Of course I let her know about the private VOICE lessons I sometimes host. I'm so lucky!

昨日は、NOVAで4レッスン。全て、ラッキーマンツーマン!ツイてるなぁ、俺。(^^♪ 最初の二つは、ZONE-Fレッスンを御願いしました。(今は、レベル3なので、基本的にはZONE-Gしか取れない) 一昨日は14時間働いたので、4レッスン続けてとるのは、きつかったです。なので、残りの二つのレッスンは、先生に、私の英語日記の添削(correct)を御願いしました。"correct"と言えば、"correct"と"collect"を正しく発音するのは、難しい。(ToT)先生が言うには、90%正しいとのことです。自信持っていいのかな?先生が添削しているとき、自分で声を出して日記を読んでいたら、いくつかの間違いを自分自身で発見しました。先生が言うには、音読するのは、自分で間違いに気付く良い方法らしいです。

話は変わって、家族と一緒に夕食を外で食べたあと、いつも行くバーへ。そのバーからの帰り道、バッタリと昔の勉強仲間(若い女性の元NOVAの生徒さん) もちろん、英会話喫茶のことを伝えました。ツイてるなぁ、俺。(^^♪

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