Sunday, January 20, 2008

English Friend Comes to my favorite bar

I have some foreign friends who we got to know each other in mixi, the most famous SNS in Japan. Yesterday an English friend of mine came to Izumisano city to meet me in person. Actually, it was my first to meet my foreign friend in mixi. Then we went to the bar I often go to in front of Izumisano station. Some of my Japanese friends and an American friend also came there. I had a really great time thanks to them. The English guy took a lot of pictures in the bar, such as the mistress and us. He looked younger than 30 years old to me but apparently older than 30. Anyway, it's the most exciting thing for me to meet interesting people all over the world. That's exactly why I study English now!

mixi(日本で最も有名なSNS)で知り合った外国人が何人かいます。昨日イギリス人の友人が、実際に私と対面するために、泉佐野にやってきました。そして、いつも私が行くバーへ。何人かの日本人の友人とアメリカ人の友人もそのバーに来ました。彼らのおかげで、本当に楽しかったです。(^^♪ イギリス人の友人は、めっちゃ沢山の写真をバーで撮っていました。例えば、バーの女性主人とか私達とか。彼は30歳より若く見えたのですが、どうやら30歳を超えているみたいです。とにかく、世界中の興味深い人達と会うのは、めっちゃ面白い!まさに、それが、今、私が英語を勉強している理由なんや!


Anonymous said...

It's was nice meeting you too!! If you like to do it again, just give me msg. I'm still in town.

plow7010 said...

Hey Akira, I'm a bit busy now as you know, but I'll let you know to do it again when I have time. Thanks.
