Saturday, July 01, 2006

Nothing but good score

July 1st, 2006

I read an interesting English phrase on an email newsletter, which introduces a witty remark(witticism, maxim, or famous saying?) of the world every day.
It was "A business that makes nothing but money is a poor kind of business.", said by Henry Ford, who is the founder of a big car company in the USA as you know.

The phrase means that a company doesn't exist only to make money. Sounds great! It's typical of him, I think. After reading the phrase, I came up with an English phrase right away.
It was "A study that makes nothing but a good score is a poor kind of study." Most of studies should be useful in the future, not to make a good score at school or other places, I suppose. But my wife often told our children to study hard in order to make a good score. Why are mothers nervous about the scores which their children make? In fact, most Japanese mothers tend to be education-minded mothers. It' called "教育ママ(きょういくまま Kyouiku mama)" in Japanese. :)

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