Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Too Delicious BEER!

July 12th, 2006

It's been too hot and humid in my factory even though it's still the rainy season as of today. The temperature in my factory is usually over 40 degree Celsius after the rainy season, though.
Anyway, I broke a lot of sweat yesterday, so I got exhausted from working. It was so hot and humid that I almost melted away(down?) yesterday. :(
On the other hand, there're no more delicious drinks than a cold beer in such a season. In fact, on a day like this, I would do anything for a cold beer. That's why I can work hard even when it's too hot and humid in my factory. :)
However, I'll have to watch out for my weight, because I get fat every summer due to such a refreshing beer. I couldn't be alive without BEERRRRRRRRR!

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