Sunday, July 02, 2006

First time in person

July 2nd, 2006

I went to Kansai international airport yesterday in order to meet a friend of mine, who is Japanese but works in Vietnam. He got back to Japan temporarily on vacation. We got to know each other last year on mixi, which is the most famous and popular SNS(the abbreviation of Social Networking Site) in ones provided by Japanese IT companies. So it was our first time to meet in person.
The reason that we made friends with each other is that we both are into English study and networking. He is really a nice guy as I expected. We had a chat at a coffee shop(STARBUCKS) in the airport for half hour. We mainly discuss how to improve our skills. It was so happy a time that I couldn't stop talking easily; however, he had to visit his friend's house. So we said to each other, "It was a great time, see you soon on the Internet."
I'm so happy whenever I meet in person those who made friends with me on the Internet. Thanks for giving me an opportunity to talk with you, Mr.M. I hope you have a nice vacation!

This is the picture of coffee which he gave me as a souvenir and is made in Vietnam. Thanks again! :)

coffee made in Vietnam

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