Wednesday, February 01, 2006

New niece

February 1, 2006

My new niece was born early this morning ! Yes ! My younger brother's wife gave birth to a girl. He has just sent me an email about the news. Good job, my sister-in-law ! I'm so exciting !
Now, my brother has just been 3 children's father like me. Actually, the low birthrate in Japan is sort of a social problem nowadays. But I have 3 kids and my brother, too. We are really good citizens, right ? haha. So, Japanese prime minister Junichiro Koizumi has to thank us, doesn't he ? (^o^)

Anyway I've not met my new niece yet. I'm really looking forward to meeting her. I bet she is so cute ! On the other hand, my brother didn't sleep well last night due to his wife's giving birth. So, I decided not to work at our factory today even though we are still so busy and have lots of orders from our customers.

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