Monday, February 13, 2006


February 13, 2006

I have to say "So sorry" to an English teacher and a Japanese female student, who sometimes take some English lessons with me. But I think they would probably allow me because the teacher is a very nice and friendly guy and the student knows my personality.

Let me tell about the reason I have to say "So sorry."

I took some free conversation classes last Saturday. The teacher likes having hot dog(American food), so a Japanese male student asked the teacher, "How many hot dogs do you usually have ?" I forget what he replied...
Then I came up with a joke. I asked the teacher, "How many hot girls do you usually have ?" , though it's still afternoon, and though there was a female student in the room. Oops ! What a dirty question ! I noticed I asked such a stupid question after that, but it's too late. I was so embarrassed. (ToT)
Do you understand what I mean ? The word, "hot", is a slang word for "sexy", isn't it ? :-)

Let me introduce a Japanese idiom instead of apologizing.

I've just written, "It's too late." as above. I can also write like this, "I noticed I asked such a stupid question with the wisdom of hindsight." Japanese idiom, "後の祭り(あとのまつり ato no matsuri)", is very similar to the phrases, "it's too late." and "the wisdom of hindsight." My explanation is probably correct....


Anonymous said...

haha.. yes.. "hot" means a girl that is sexy.

Your comment was a "pun," which is a "play on words."

explanation of pun (

Anonymous said...

oh yeah forgot..

when you write Japanese idioms in your blog... could you also write them in hiragana (平仮名). I do not know that many kanji, so I cannot read them!

plow7010 said...

Hi again,

I don't know the word "pun" even though the word looks easy. Thanks a lot. Actually, I'd rather play on the words than talk about serious topics. :-)

I got it. Let me post my articles in hiragana from now on, when I post them in Japanese language.