Saturday, June 23, 2007

Son's 9th Birthday

Saturday, June twenty third, two thousand and seven

It's my third son's ninth birthday today. As I wrote an article here, we are having a BBQ party at home. Let me pick up tons of food stuff this afternoon. But before that, I have to go see a doctor because of my terrible backache and stiff neck caused by the recent busy job, I guess. I'm going to have a massage and electric therapy or acupuncture treatment. Therefore, I can't take English lessons today as usual Saturday. Let me take them tomorrow instead. I MUST speak English a lot more! In fact, these days I feel like my English skills are turning down(going down?) actually.

Anyway, I'll post some pictures of the party later if I can take nice ones.

electric therapy: 電気治療
acupuncture treatment: 鍼治療

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