Golden Week
April 29th, 2006
I had no idea to write my diary this morning. Writing English diary isn't my responsibility but a kind of my routine work. :) Now I've just come up with an idea to write down.
When I took some free conversation classes yesterday, some English teachers - such as a Canadian, a British - asked us what "Golden Week" is and what day the each day is. I tried to describe the meaning of the golden week but I wasn't able to do correctly...(ToT)
So let me describe it on this article today !
Golden Week in Japan stands for the period from April 29th to May 5th. There are 4 national holidays in the period. Many Japanese people take more than a week of holidays at this time including Saturdays and Sundays. Let mention the 4 national holidays.
*Greenery Day(April 29th) - "緑の日(みどりのひ)"
April 29th was the birthday of the former(the late) Emperor, Hirohito(Showa), and the day used to be celebrated as a national holiday until he passed away. After he passed away, the Japanese government decided to rename and continue as a national holiday which is called "Greenery Day". The reason they decided to name the day "Greenery Day" is Hirohito was known for his interest in plants.
*Constitution Memorial Day(May 3rd) - "憲法記念日(けんぽうきねんび)"
The current constitution of Japan was enacted(instituted ?) on May 3rd, 1947.
*Children's Day - "子供の日(こどものひ)"In the Edo period, the families of samurai started celebrating May 5th as the day for their boys. These days the families with boys decorate a samurai doll or carp-shaped streamers(鯉のぼり-こいのぼり) to wish the boys grow up greatly. The people of the past had believed carp was one of the strongest fishes because they had believed it could swim up(leap) waterfalls. This day has become a national holiday to celebrate the growth of all children(not only boys).
*May 4th
This day is a special national holiday. The Japanese government enacted the law that the day between 2 national holidays is a special national holiday, in order to make holidays in a row. May 4th is between Constitution Memorial Day and Children's Day. That's the reason May 4th is a special national holiday.
| Golden Week |
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