Sunday, December 18, 2005

New glasses

December 18, 2005

I have felt my eyesight is failing since a few months ago. So I decided to buy new glasses this morning.
Actually, one of my ex-classmates has a glasses shop at my hometown. I went to his shop in order to buy new ones.

He said, "You have old sight a little."
I was so shocked. I'm still 42 years old ! Old sight ? What does he mean ?
But in addition, he said, "Most of my ex-classmates come here to buy new glasses these days due to old sight."
They do ?? Not only me ?? I can't complain.... I was relieved a little after I heard that. However, I felt that I truly got old.
Anyway, I ordered bifocals which there are no boundaries.

By the way, I got a discount of 6000 yen thanks to him. :-)

old sight is presbyopia, right ?


Peng Yu said...

Yes . Presbyopia is the correct word to use.

plow7010 said...

Hi, peng ! correct ?
I'm glad to hear that. You know, I'm alway worried about English. :-p
Thanks for your insight.