Sunday, December 04, 2005

Labor's hands

December 4, 2005
my hand
I have to hard so hard in winter and the winter air is so dry. So my hands have a lot of oil spots and rough skins but I can never take them out however I wash my hands many times. I can't complain about that because I'm a factory worker smeared with oil slick.

That's called "labor's hands", right ? :-)


Anonymous said...

Me too! labor's hand!It is cold by bicycl and we bring an ice cube with Yaklt. It is cold to the touch.
We need oil. Take care! Me too!

plow7010 said...

Thank you for visiting often.
I know you work as a Yakult obachan. :-)
Don't work too hard... Oops ! I should tell myself that likewise. ha-ha.