Saturday, December 24, 2005

Birthday, Christmas, and lessons

December 24, 2005

One of my uncles became 90 years old today. He lives alone because he don't have any children and his wife already died a long time ago. After her death, we suggest living with us to him. But he didn't. He wanted to stay single at his house and to do everything himself - such as doing the laundry, preparing the bath, and making meals. So he can still manage almost all things of housework, though he's 90 years old. That's amazing, right ? I suppose doing everything yourselves is the best way not to age.

And now, it's also Christmas Eve today. My eldest son believes Santa Claus is really coming tonight, though he is already 12 years old. :-)
When I was his age, I knew the fact that Santa Claus is an imaginary person. He's funny, isn't he ?

By the way, I challenged to take some higher level English lessons this morning. They were much more difficult than the ones I usually take. I still feel a comfortable headache. :-) After that I understood why I'm still a beginner of English. I know I have to practice it a lot more. But I don't have enough time to do that. But there's no hurry on improving my English skill. Of course I really want to improve it as soon as possible but I hate to work too hard at practicing it. I just want to study it slowly in my life since it's a kind of my hobby. I may be self-indulgent. :-p


Peng Yu said...

Anyway, Happy Christmas!!

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plow7010 said...

Hi peng,
Youm too. Did you enjoy your Christmas ?
See ya !