Monday, September 19, 2005

Tsukimi - a Japanese custom

September 19th, 2005

Yesterday was "Tsukimi-day" in Japan. Tsukimi
"Tsuki" means "the moon" and "mi" means "viewing".
I have heard that the custom was originally introduced from China.

Tsukimi is one of famous Japanese customs. The custom of viewing the moon is held on August 15th on the lunar calendar.
The view of the moon on that day is exactly beautiful.

In olden days, Most of Japanese actually love to view the beautiful full moon.
This time of year is a busy harvest season, so the light of the full moon was helpful for the farmers who had to work late. And they prayed for a good harvest to the moon.
"Full moon" is called "Harvest moon" on the other hand, right ?

Today, many Japanese enjoy viewing the beautiful full moon and offer it dumplings and Japanese silver grass.

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