Sunday, September 04, 2005

A Different Culture - new school year

September 4th, 2005

I went to take some English lessons yesterday. The female teacher, who is from Canada, asked me, "The summer holiday for kids ended. Your children have had a opening of a new school year, haven't they ?" --- Maybe she said like this. :D

I was really confused. The opening of a new school year is in April.

I figured out why she told such a thing. That's just a different culture !
In North America, The opening of a new school year is in September, you know.
That's all ! ha-ha...

Also, she asked me, "Do you know why the opening is in April in Japan ?"
Um... another student and I thought for a couple of minutes. And we replied !

"In Japan, there are so many cherry blossoms in April."
"It's the best season to open a new school year. The blossoms smell so fresh to us."

I was really tired from the thinking. :D


Ing. Cardioide said...

Good grief! Actually in Mexico (from where I am) school years starts at August. And it's a really good question about why in occidental cultures start school year at August or September!

Good blog anyway :)


plow7010 said...

>> Mr.Eduardo Jordan:

Thanks for your first visit and posting comment.

Wow ! in Mexico, school years start at August ? Good to know !

See you.

Ako said...

I hadn't considered why until you mentioned that. I have no idea, but I think it is because spring is like when a lot of creatures start to wake up.

plow7010 said...


Yes. I think so, too.
By the way, I got a oppinion of the native English speaker, who is one of my acquaintances on the Net yesterday.
He said, "Maybe the end of summer vacation means the end of being able to play, it's the best season to try to do new something in the western sense."

Ako said...

That's a good idea too. (^-^)b