Saturday, September 24, 2005


September 24th, 2005

September 23rd(yesterday) was a national holiday, Shubun no hi, in Japan.
It was the day when nighttime and daytime are almost equally long. Around March 21st(Shunbun no hi) too.

We call the day "HIGAN" in Japan, which means "the next world for Buddhists".
Buddhists believe that the spirits of the dead cross the river which exists between this world and the other world, on the day of equinox the sun rise from the exact east and sets in the exact west.
That brings many Japanese people to their family graves and they offer prayers, flowers and incense for their ancestors.

On the other hand, there is a Japanese common saying on HIGAN.

"Summer heat or winter cold doesn't last after the HIGAN(equinox)."

Yes ! HIGAN brings fall and spring to us. :-)

1 comment:

Ako said...

As the line says, the temperature fell rapidly today, didn't it?