Saturday, November 18, 2006

Return Home, Good Business

Saturday, November eighteenth, two thousands and six

The business trip I had from the day before yesterday to yesterday extremely wore me out! I got back to home from Tokyo in the midnight of yesterday, so I'm really exhausted now. But on the other hand our factory has just got a good customer in Tochigi prefecture. A couple of months ago he sent me an email and asked me to sell our products, recycled chemical fibers, at a high price. I'm so lucky! :) I can't work too hard!

Actually, I hadn't thought we had got any customer in Kantou region, eastern Japan, because our company is located in Kansai region, western Japan. I mean, the shipping cost(transport cost) is so expensive that we hadn't thought we had been able to meet their demands in costs. But there aren't sufficient recycled chemical fibers in Japan due to China making a corner in oil-related products. That's why they want to buy our products even though it costs a lot of money.

something wear someone out: someoneをひどく疲れさせる
can't work too hard: 働き過ぎることはできない。-> いくら一生懸命働いても、働きすぎということはない。
shipping cost(transport cost): 運搬費
meet someone's demands in costs: 価格面において、someoneの要求に応える
sufficient: 十分な(enough)
make a corner in ~: ~を買い占める
it costs a lot of money: 金がかかる。経費がとてもかかる。

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