Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Bad Decision

Wednesday, November twenty ninth, two thousands and six

It's comparatively warm for this time of year, so I often break a lot of sweat in my factory. The strange weather must be caused by the global warming. I'm really anxious about the planet's future, so I hope our industry can help it from my heart.

Anyway, I've been pressed for time lately because of our busy season. There were some irritating things yesterday, so I had some cigarettes for the first time in three months. I know it's a terrible decision, but I was able to cool down after that.
On second thought, I'm not going to get addicted to smoking again, but sometimes it might be necessary to smoke once in a while, in order not to get stressed out. However, I'll never have any cigarettes in front of my children because I don't want them to have nicotine addiction. I won't smoke again unless my job is killing me. :) I'm really exhausted... Could someone help me?

To change the subject, I've just decided to take more time to review all of the English lessons I've taken before. I won't be able to have the time to take English lessons until I finish the brushup sufficiently.

for this time of year: この時期にしては
be anxious about something: ~を心配する
be pressed for time: 時間に追われている、忙しい
for the first time in three months: 3ヶ月振りに
On second thought: 考え直した結果
get addicted to something: ~の中毒になる
sufficiently: [adverb]十分に


Anonymous said...

Hi, Pro.
>I've just decided to take more time to review all of the English lessons I've taken before.

I think it's a good idea. Do you take a lot of notes during lessons?
I do. How about posting them on this blog space?

plow7010 said...

Hi Makiko,
I don't take notes in my classes that much, actually. I'm really lazy. :p
Anyway, let me take a lot of notes as well as you from now on. ttyl