Tuesday, November 14, 2006

My Phone Die

Tuesday, November fourteenth, two thousands and six

When I was working in my factory yesterday, I tried to check whether there were emails from our customers or not by cell-phone. But it didn't work! The cell phone did give up the ghost out of the blue! The terminal had a huge amount of information, actually. For instance, phone books, email address books, my schedule, my to-do list, bookmarks, and received email news letters for English study.... Of course I went to a cell-phone retailer in my city as soon as I got through the day's work. According to a clerk, it might need two weeks to fix it completely. Since I must make a business trip to Tokyo this weekend as I've posted an article on this blog space before, it wasn't not acceptable even though the repair charge was free... I mean, I can't make it without the data in the handset.

After all, I bought a new cell-phone and asked the salesperson to copy as much data as possible to the new portable device. The cost of this purchase was about 10,000 yen. (ToT) However, I'm lucky to get a new machine because the input method of English is more convenient than that of my old one.

give up the ghost: 死ぬ、壊れる(=die)
out of the blue: (=suddenly) 晴天のへきれき?
get through: finish
acceptable[adjective]: 受け入れることができる

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