Takoyaki Party
May 28th, 2006
A takoyaki(タコ焼き たこやき) party was held at the bar yesterday which I occasionally go get a drink. Takoyaki is sort of octopus dumpling. We tried to make some strange takoyaki. They weren't exactly real takoyaki, maybe strange dumpling. We put some kinds of foods in the dumpling instead of octopus - such as cheese, umeboshi(梅干 うめぼし pickled plum), rice cake. I've just remembered I posted similar article on this blog last year. Here is the article.
Some of my friends, including some of my American friends, attended the party. We had a huge amount of strange dumpling and a good time! The party was held at the bar about which I've posted. Here is the details of the bar.
And also, here is the details of takoyaki.
| Japanese food | takoyaki |