Saturday, October 14, 2006

PE festival at Kindergarten

This morning I visited the nearest elementary school from the kindergarten to which my daughter belongs, in order to see her and her classmates' PE festival.
Actually, the playground of their kindergarten is too small(narrow) to hold such a big event because of the large number of kindergartners. As I've posted an article on this blog space before, their kindergarten merged with two others due to the budget deficit of my city and decreasing number of children. That's why the field is very small even though there're so many kids in the preschool.

opening ceremony
my daughter and her friends


Anonymous said...

They are so cute ! You seem to be a good father.

plow7010 said...

Hey Makiko,

Yes! They couldn't be cuter as you say. :) But I'm not such a good father as you say... haha. I often drink out alone, so my wife sometimes get angry at me. (^^;