Monday, October 15, 2007

Half-body Bathing

Monday, October fifteenth, two thousand and seven

These days Osaka's climate is cool and comfortable for me, that's easy to work hard, but on the other hand, I sometimes feel a little cold at night actually. So, I take a bath for relatively longer time nowadays compared to summer. Some experts in human health say that half-body bathing for at least 20 minutes would help us get healthy and maintain the skin's youthful appearance, that's to say, the way could help me look younger. I recommend that you guys, especially women, take a half-body bath as a good habit. Let me go on the custom for a while.

half-body bathing: 半身浴


Anonymous said...

Hi Plow!
I want to be called by eun sung.
How was your weekend? I think you had a wonderful weekend at a new english school with many friends. I envy you a little about enjoying your life. I agree a half-bath is good habit for our health. It has been in very fashion a few years in korea but i think it is not now.
Korean people are very sensitive of trend or something.

plow7010 said...

Hi again eun sung,
Yeah, I had a lot of good time. :D Japanese people, too. Most Japanese follow trends but get tired of them soon. I'm kind of perverse, so I dislike following trends and fashions actually.