Friday, November 16, 2007

To Tighten My Belt(=財布のひもを締める?)

Friday, November sixteenth, two thousand and seven


英語で"to tighten one's belt"というと、私の辞書(ロングマン)によると、以前よりもお金を使わないようにすることを意味するそうです。この意味は、私にとって簡単に推測できます。別の辞書では、このイディオムは、飢えているときに気を紛らわすためにベルトを締めることに由来している、と書いてます。


Following the previous post, let me mention another English expression, kind of an idiom. :D

In English "to tighten one's belt" means to try to spend less money than someone used to, according to my dictionary, LONGMAN Dictionary of Contemporary English. The meaning is very easy for me to guess. Another dictionary says that the idioms derive from tightening your belt to take your mind off when you are starving.
In Japanese, they say "Let me tighten my purse strings" when they have to cut down on expenses, which is such a famous idiom that almost all Japanese people must know about it.

Gee..... I'm under the weather now to catch a cold. However, I have to discuss a new English cafe with my friend whose name is Hiroshi at his house tonight. How can I help myself? :(

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