Saturday, December 23, 2006

Jam Finger

Saturday, December twenty third, two thousands and six

blood blisterWhen I was working in my factory yesterday, I was really being pressed for time because of malfunction of the machinery. So I was operating the pressing machine when I jammed the middle finger of my right hand in the door of it.


I have got a blood blister on the finger. (ToT)

malfunction: 故障、異常、不調
jam one's finger in something: 指を~に挟む
blood blister: 血豆


Meg said...

Hi Prowler.
I'm sorry to hear that...
Are you OK?
Be careful.

Anonymous said...


plow7010 said...

Hey meg, LTNS
Thanks for your heartful message. I'm really glad to get your comment here. I'm OK because I'm used to getting injured. :)

Hey otakitao,
Let me do odaijini myself. (^^)