Tuesday, August 15, 2006

What day?

August 15th, 2006

In Japan it's the anniversary of the end of the war(the second World War) today.
And also today used to be my second son's birthday. If he were alive now, he would be 10 years old. In a Japanese common saying, it's a negative idea to count how old one's dead child would be if he or she were alive, though...
In addition, it's the anniversary of my ex-coworker's passing. From my point of view, he seemed to have been struggling with depression for several years as well as me. That's why he decided to make away with himself, I personally think. His passing was one of the reasons I quit my former job, a computer system engineer.
It's a bon season that is one of Buddhist festival periods for passed people, now. Most of Japanese people think of their ancestors and the friends who passed away, in order to pray for the souls of passed people.

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