Saturday, July 30, 2005

Hung over

July 30, 2005

I'm a hung over today...

I went to Namba, the south area of Osaka city, to drink with my ex-co-workers when I used to work at a computer system company. I(We?) drank too much. :D
We were talking and drinking for 4 hours at the same bar.

I have to go out to take some English lessons at NOVA. NOVA is one of the most famous English conversation schools in Japan. There are many teachers,they all are native English speakers.

My condition is exactly bad. But I'm gonna the school. It might be a bad idea to attend with such awful condiction.

What ? "You'd better absent from the school" ????
No. I'm leaving right now. I'd like to speak English. It's necessary for me to speak English with such condition. When native English speaks are sick, don't they speak English ? Yes, they do speak English. So, I'm gonna speak English.

I'm gonna post comments tonight on any blogs which I always browse.



niltiac said...

Yes, we have to speak English even with a hangover. :-)

plow7010 said...

Yeah, you can say that again. :-)
When I get a hangover, I always decide to cut down my drinking. But I always never. ha-ha.

Anonymous said...

best regards, nice info » » »