Sunday, December 09, 2007

Lessons at New NOVA

This morning I took a couple of English lessons at NOVA for the first time in about two months. As of now, the school doesn't have so many students because almost all old NOVA's student have to take an interview to renew their contracts actually. However, so many old student came to the branch at once, so it's quite tough for the staff to deal with such a large number of customers at a time. So they have to make a reservation to take their interviews. In my case, I went there on the first day and it wasn't so crowded there, therefore I was able to take an interview as soon as I got there. How lucky I am!
One of the lesson I took today is how to make a speech(propose a toast) with a nice Japanese lady. :D And the other is luckily one-on-one lesson, so I asked the teacher to give me a ZONE-F lesson if he doesn't mind. Actually I can take only ZONE-G lessons because of my level(level-3), but I was eager to take an easier lesson as I wanted to review old lessons I've taken before through real lessons. The teacher was surprisingly from the place IRON MAIDEN was born in! We both had a great time through a lesson about important status symbols for some kinds of people-such as young guys, high money earners, retirees. After the lesson, I asked him whether or not he gave me a recommendation for becoming a level-3 student if I had been a level-4 student. He replied to me like, "Why not? You are a real level-3 student." Can I have a strong confidence?:D

今日受けたレッスンのうちの一つは、スピーチの仕方(乾杯の音頭)で、素敵な日本人女性と一緒でした。(^^ゞ もう一つは、ラッキーマンツーマンだったので、先生に、もしかまわないなら、ZONE-Fのレッスンをしてくれないか?と頼みました。私は今はレベル3なので、ZONE-Gのレッスンしか受けられないのですが、以前に受けたレッスンを、実際のレッスンを通して復習したかったんです。驚くべきことに、その先生はIRON MAIDENが誕生した町の出身でした。私たちは、ステータスシンボルについてのレッスン(たとえば、若い人たちにとって重要なもの、お金を沢山稼ぐ人、定年退職した人など)を通して、楽しい時間を持てました。レッスンの後、その先生に『もし、私がレベル4の生徒だったら、レベルアップの推薦状をくれますか?』と質問したら・・・『もちろん!君は本当のレベル3だよ』と言ってくれました。俺・・・強い自信を持っていいのかな?(^^ゞ


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